Sound of Abundance Ministries International

Sound of Abundance Ministries International is a Non-profit organisation committed to spreading hope and changing lives


Who We Are

We are passionate about The Advancement of Religion through the preaching and teaching of Christian doctrines

Our mission is to contribute to the development of the human race and make meaningful impact in the lives of people through various programmes that seeks to advance our social causes. We do this by organising programs fashioned towards the relief of poverty through outreaches to the needy in the community by providing food, clothing and other necessities.

What We Do

Food Aid

World hunger still remains a challenge and we are helping to fight this through the provision of food aid to those in need


We are committed to promoting literacy and access to basic education in areas and communities where this is a challenge 


Through Youth and women empowerment, we aim to support the fight in eradicating poverty and promoting gender equality

Safe Water Project

The Safe Water Project is centered around helping poor communities get access to safe drinking water and promoting sanitation and hygiene

Community Development

Our Community Integration projects are aimed towards building stronger communities and raising future leaders

Mental Health

We partner with health organisations and volunteers to raise awareness for mental health issues and challenges


Get in touch with us

Office Address

20627 Fraser Highway Langley BC V3A 4G4